Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week thirty four in the garden

While we were visiting Grandpa's house this weekend we were admiring  how well his garden is doing so we wanted share it with you. His girlfriend Janice is the real gardener of the house and you can tell she has been hard at work. She is growing an impressive row of green onions, so many she gave us a bunch to take home.

We also brought home some green bell peppers  from the huge bell pepper bush.

We forgot to ask what kind of squash was in this cute little cloth hammock.  If anyone recognizes the variety please share what you think.

These collard greens are super lush and healthy.  Janice loves to put these greens in all sorts of her dishes. Mommy and Daddy raved about her collard green soup the time she made it for them.  Janice has built a beautiful  garden this year  and has even bigger plans for next year.  We love backyard gardens like this one because everything is not only delicious but also nutritious.


  1. Squash in a hammock!
    That's a very healthy garden he has there.

    Togo, Tagar & Gamby

  2. hey Sierra,

    Yum!! Janice's garden looks scrumptious! My human has been wanting to expand her use of collard greens so your mention of collard green soup has peaked her interest. :->

    Don't know anything about squash, sadly, but how fun that it has its own hammock. :->


  3. Janice's veges look so beautiful! It was so nice of her to share with you, Teddy.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  4. Yum...good thing we dont no where Janice lives, The doggies and I would swipe some veggies. hehe

  5. Your entire family knows how to make the best things spring from the earth! We love backyard gardens, too...wish we were better at it.

  6. What a great lookin' garden!! We are really missing our Farmer's Market vegetables and it will be a very long wait til Spring!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
