Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week twenty five in the garden

Our potato plants are starting to dry up now so it is finally time to harvest these little tater tots.
Our neighbor's tomato plant is growing through a crack in the fence. It is starting to grow little fruits and Mommy said they don't look anything like our toms.
We are still waiting for a cucumber to grow big enough so that we can eat it. This cuke plant is still stretching out so things are looking good.
Hello little zucchini. We're glad to see you while you're still so small.
Add some sour cream and these chives to those dirt nuggets that are almost done and you will have a yummy meal.
Can you tell by looking at this little basil plant that it is really producing some flavorful leaves? Mommy tries to put them into everything. My favorite so far has been basil chicken.


  1. We love basil chicken!!! Well...we like chicken ANY way that it is prepared! Your garden looks delicious!! We just love homegrown vegetables! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  2. Basil chicken? We've never had this but it sure does sound yummy!
    How nice that your neighbor's plants are providing fruit for you too, Teddy. hehehe

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  3. Look at that zucchini! Enjoy it!

  4. It's looking really good. Not many female zucchini blooms on our plant...just one. Bummer!

    Your basil looks delicious. I had to kill off all the rabbits so ours could actually grow this year too!


  5. Nice to have some extra tomatoes from your neighbor, BOL. We love that basil chicken too
    Benny & Lily

  6. Great to see your growing garden :-) No digging holes either...
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X
