Monday, December 26, 2011

Unopened gifts?

Why would there still be gifts left under the tree? I know one of them smells like stuffies! Could any of these presents be for Sierra and me? One present smells like some of our furry blog friends from far far away. I hope we are gonna get to open that one. (The cold bug hit Daddy with a vengeance yesterday. He spent most of the day resting and napping. Today we had more friends come over. So maybe, just maybe, we will get to open pressies tomorrow).


  1. hey Teddy,

    Your nose knows what is in those presents! I am furry impressed by your patience. I think you should rip into them now! As the Two French Bulldogs woofed, "open, open, open"!!!! BOL! What have you got to lose?


  2. its so time to open!!!

    Stop on by for a visit

  3. The waiting part is so hard!
    We hope your daddy feels better soon, Teddy.

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch
